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« Reply #120 on: February 02, 2011, 12:09:12 am »
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Hardluck he can't answer any questions he is a troll are a kid on mommas laptop or something.
He first post as Tony in Oct 08 claiming to know it all  never heard from again Then shows up as Tony 69 in Jan. same claims he is the only one in the world that know how to find Kidds stash he is just a no little want to be a big shot. Bet he ain't never been 20 miles away from home living in his head. SAD SAD SAD


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If you believe everything you read you are reading to much.
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« Reply #121 on: February 02, 2011, 11:42:12 am »
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Quote:Posted by tony69
Still a lot of noise, if you put all that noise in to looking for the treasure it would be found by now lol ,for thouse good peoplelooking here is some more from me and not from thouse making all the noise it is a thing to get a magnifying glass to help you you will find that all the letters are all diffrent shapes it is the same for the other charts, and that when you draw the tryangel one line will go through the word lagoon ,well spited lol, the corners of the chart are square by the way so who ever drew this chart drew it on a drawing board of some kind in other words it was set out well spoted lol, you will get lots of people trying to say you are a fake and that you are wrong ,they do this to get you to tell them some thing they dint know in order to enhance there ego because they are lazy and want to steel your ideas do not get drawn in by them  let them shout on just keep head down and press on, now in kidds time longitude was measured from 6 points as Greenwich did not come in to play till later.and one of the shouter will tell you the one he used ops its a fake ,was used, they will tell you all 6 just ask the them bet you dont get an answer,i will tell you later on , i will give you good people lots of time to get set up you cant find the treasure but it will give you lots to learn.meanwhile

Hey, Tony! You once said your information was for sale. How much?


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« Reply #122 on: February 04, 2011, 10:09:50 am »
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Just some more evidence below linking Palmer to drawing the charts, some words are not what they seem. One example below ?20 feet? in fact it is ?20 fleet? 20 fleet east shelter of longitude 16.


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« Reply #123 on: February 04, 2011, 02:15:51 pm »
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they are real, they are fake, that's what they say.you can read it in books  they are fake must be true  and  that makes me an expert because Ive read that books .that's what i kept reading and hearing so i had to find out for myself.So first i went to the other side of the world to see a Mr t he has the real charts he should know  well he said i could not see them, but told me lots he said he got them from an auction and was ask to buy them, and he had them tested and were found to be of kidd time but not of any known writings of kidd (WELL WELL so they are real not bad for two pence ) and were found in very es boxes  ( you can ask  crowsnest how they were found as he has been try to find kidds treasure for years even if he does not have the right chart )even he will tell you they did not come fro me the same furniture dealer (WELL WELL )and that know one had worked out what was written on them . So we have a real charts but cant work out what is written on them.  now in the past people have guessed at what it on the charts and some even gone for treassure not unlike today some even have websites but all guess, and as a guess is not good enough only facts are real.Armed with this knowledge off i went .In a letter from Anthony Howlett (he owns the photo es of the charts he said that willkins was bordering on the insane when he wrote his book and that the charts in his book are blatant fakes (some one used these charts and found a triangle on oak island that's how it comes into the picture and that willkins thought he was a reincarnation of kidd (not bad for a faker)and it was through my job that i worked out what is writ en on the charts, knowing how to find the treasure is one thing to get it would cost a lot i think. 


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« Reply #124 on: February 04, 2011, 03:35:47 pm »
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out how they work finding it is one thing getting it is another .Are they real or fake, some say fake, some say real ,it said fake in this book Ive have read so the charts are fake the book is right . i cant be bothered to do any research so they are fake ,that's what i keep ed hearing and reading are these people right or stupid i had to find out myself,So of i went to the other side of the world to see a man called Mr t as he owns the real charts and he will know the truth. He said i could not see them ,and that he had them tested and were found to be of kidds time  and the writing on them were not of any known sample of kidds writing  (well well) (fake are they, not bad for two pence)in a letter from Anthony howlett (he own the photos of the charts)  said willkins was boardering on the insane  and that the charts in his book are fake(some one used these charts and refer ed them to oak island and found a triangle willkins thought he was a reincarnation of kidd that's how oak island comes in to the picture.it is through my job that i worked


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« Reply #125 on: February 04, 2011, 03:39:57 pm »
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Are they real or fake, some say fake, some say real ,it said fake in this book ive have read so the charts are fake the book is right . i cant be bothered to do any resecach so they are fake ,thats what i keeped hearing and reading are these people right or stuped i had to find out myself,So of i went to the other side of the world to see a man called mr t as he owns the real charts and he will know the truth. He said i could not see them ,and that he had them tested and were found to be of kidds time  and the writing on them were not of any known sample of kidds writing  (well well) (fake are they, not bad for two pence)in a letter from anthony howlett (he own the photos of the charts)  said willkins was boardering on the insane  and that the charts in his book are fake(some one used these charts and refered them to oak island and found a triangel willkins thought he was a reincarnation of kidd thats how oak island comes in to the picture.it is through my job that i worked out how the charts work

Posted on: February 04, 2011, 03:35:47 PM
Are they real or fake, some say fake, some say real ,it said fake in this book ive have read so the charts are fake the book is right . i cant be bothered to do any resecach so they are fake ,thats what i keeped hearing and reading are these people right or stuped i had to find out myself,So of i went to the other side of the world to see a man called mr t as he owns the real charts and he will know the truth. He said i could not see them ,and that he had them tested and were found to be of kidds time  and the writing on them were not of any known sample of kidds writing  (well well) (fake are they, not bad for two pence)in a letter from anthony howlett (he own the photos of the charts)  said willkins was boardering on the insane  and that the charts in his book are fake(some one used these charts and refered them to oak island and found a triangel willkins thought he was a reincarnation of kidd thats how oak island comes in to the picture.it is through my job that i worked out how the charts work


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« Reply #126 on: February 04, 2011, 03:43:45 pm »
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Quote:Posted by tony69
Are they real or fake, some say fake, some say real ,it said fake in this book ive have read so the charts are fake the book is right . i cant be bothered to do any resecach so they are fake ,thats what i keeped hearing and reading are these people right or stuped i had to find out myself,So of i went to the other side of the world to see a man called mr t as he owns the real charts and he will know the truth. He said i could not see them ,and that he had them tested and were found to be of kidds time  and the writing on them were not of any known sample of kidds writing  (well well) (fake are they, not bad for two pence)in a letter from anthony howlett (he own the photos of the charts)  said willkins was boardering on the insane  and that the charts in his book are fake(some one used these charts and refered them to oak island and found a triangel willkins thought he was a reincarnation of kidd thats how oak island comes in to the picture.it is through my job that i worked out how the charts work

You sure take a lot on faith, Tony. You traveled across the globe to see some documents which you were not allowed to see. Now, after not seeing the real documents, you scream and holler about how everyone else is wrong and you are the only one here who knows the actual truth from the real documents which you have never seen. This is very unreliable and I would never even consider this a rumor never mind a serious treasure lead.

Your credibility just went to zero or even lower.


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« Reply #127 on: February 04, 2011, 07:40:09 pm »
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 Fight Hi all

 So Tony, what is it you have that tells you where the treasure is. If it is still
 I do belive that Kidd may have had some treasure.


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« Reply #128 on: February 05, 2011, 02:05:11 pm »
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 At the time of my research i was on the phone quite regular with a man called Mr k now Mr k owned the box w and s kidd there box ( the box that the key chart was found in) plus the picture that you know as kidd i went to his house and looked at the box and the picture, HE SAID the box be longed to lady p hardy, and her Husein was capt T Hardy of the (kiss me) kismet hardy lord nelson fame but had to sell it when Mr t died to pay for her death duty's ,Palmer bought it then he did.so the box did not come from a furniture dealer then no he said ,Mr t said that no one had worked out the riddle know of the key chart and he said no, people have try ed for many years to work the riddle out but no one has he said no they have not, i talked to him about Howlett and he told me that the picture might not be that of kidd  experts who he let look at it said it might be that of kidd  or it might not but he did own the copyright on it  so if it is printed in any publication then  they would have to pay  , with this i said good by and left (so the charts are real and the box is real WELL WELL). To help you good people the charts are real and the box is real and i do not lie in any way, all true, no one only me has work them out  with facts and  not a guess, so do your research find the best copy of the you will need it and most of all good luck .


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« Reply #129 on: February 06, 2011, 03:01:16 am »
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Hello Tony69

Just a few questions for clarification.

Hubert Palmer bought the chest in 1934?

Sir Thomas Hardy ( Nelson's famous sidekick ) married on 17 November 1807 to Louisa Emily Anns Berkeley, daughter of Admiral Sir George Cranfield Berkely and had three daughters.

1. Louisa Georgina Hardy born 7 December 1808, died 1875.

2. Emily Georgina Hardy born 30 December 1809, married in 1850 William Pollett Brown Chatteris, died 1887.

3. Mary Charlotte Hardy born 20 March 1813, married in 1833 Sir John Atholl Murray Macgregor Bt whose descendants include Earl Cawdor of Castlemartin, Earl of Mansfield and Baron Hindlip, died 1896.

As you can see for yourself The family line of the Hardy name died  out because Sir Thomas Hardy had 3 daughters.

How could your alleged contacts statement be true on how Hubert Palmer bought the item from I quote from your Words "from a lady P Hardy" when the family name had died out long ago in 1875?

 And there was no lady in the family Having a first name with the Letter P and none alive with the Hardy name after 1875?

Are you suggesting Palmer bought this chest directly from this lady P Hardy to pay for her husbands death duties?



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« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 03:28:24 am by hardluck »
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